
De Kleine Prins boekenclub

Methodological steps Present in a lesson (1 learning unit) a general description of the book The Little Prince. The presentation can be provided during a lesson in presence or through a videoconference platform (Meet, Zoom). Explain the group work and the jigsaw structure of it: students are going to be divided into groups of four …

De Kleine Prins boekenclub Lees meer »

Simulaties van elektrische circuits (ECS)

Methodological steps Start a warm-up discussion about how the light in your room works (5-10 minutes). Share a presentation about how the electrons move around the circuit; make sure to create it by using multiple learning resources: videos, simulations, pictures, and digital text (15 minutes). Hold a short presentation of how PhET simulations work by …

Simulaties van elektrische circuits (ECS) Lees meer »

Atomen en moleculen

Methodological steps Create the teaching/learning unit in your virtual learning environment (e.g. Google Classroom) on the history of the atom theory. Start with some icebreaker activities, like watching a short video, to attract the attention of the students and to motivate learners towards the specific topic; the aim is to make them curious about it, …

Atomen en moleculen Lees meer »

Literatuur met verschillende leerstijlen

Methodological steps Design an activity for text comprehension.  Begin this activity with a short video (e.g. a video lesson on TEDed) or other presentation of a short story and its author; the aim is to give the general overview of the material they are going to read. Use Padlet for the students to express their …

Literatuur met verschillende leerstijlen Lees meer »

Virtuele muziekgeschiedenis

Methodological steps Prepare your distance learning activities through researching digital tools that may best suit lesson content and fit your teaching attitude/style; record your lessons or shorter clips in order to provide students video resources to study and integrate the synchronous lesson. Pay attention to the fact that in distance learning much less material can …

Virtuele muziekgeschiedenis Lees meer »

Gestructureerde presentaties voor aardrijkskundelessen

Methodological steps Meet with your students according to the time schedule of the class using Google Meet. Make sure to post materials on Google Classroom regularly; it is important to establish a routine for posting and giving feedbacks outside school time: this helps you and your students to organise the work and to dedicate the appropriate …

Gestructureerde presentaties voor aardrijkskundelessen Lees meer »

Geschiedenis met online hulpmiddelen

Methodological steps Plan your didactic activity in advance. Every week, put activities in the Moodle (or other virtual learning environment) of the school and ask the students to do it by the next week. Then check it and return feedback to the students; for feedback on their works, it’s better to use the same learning …

Geschiedenis met online hulpmiddelen Lees meer »

Sprekende en digitale vaardigheden voor reclame

Methodological steps Design an activity about the advertisement of a product. The aim is to make students learn the use of a short, captivating and striking type of communication by choosing the right words and phrases.  Ask them to conceive the proper context for their product, and to place it on a media support that …

Sprekende en digitale vaardigheden voor reclame Lees meer »

Coöperatief leren op afstand voor burgerschapsonderwijs

Methodological steps Design this activity as a multi-disciplinary activity across the different subjects and involve other teachers in carrying it out. Begin by taking into consideration the material from the civic education textbook. Explain through a PowerPoint presentation what the EU is, what its history was, how it was born and when (for a more …

Coöperatief leren op afstand voor burgerschapsonderwijs Lees meer »

Interactieve video's en waargebeurde verhalen

Methodological steps Ask students to bring up comparisons between two countries (i.e. Germany and Italy); rely upon Historiana‘s collections of texts and iconographic resources as a source of learning materials (you can find a list of learning objects repositories here).  Choose a video to watch with the students; you might want to re-edit it through …

Interactieve video's en waargebeurde verhalen Lees meer »