Materie umanistiche

Guida turistica interattiva

Methodological steps Design an activity that spans across geography and communication. This implies that you can decide which side to focus more on, and whether to support more the knowledge of geographical notions or the development of communication and graphics skills. Begin with an analysis of the study resources that you use in an ordinary …

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Utilizzare i libri come fonte di ispirazione nei corsi di lingua

Methodological steps Use digital tools to enrich the experience of learning notions and developing competencies related to reading. Assign a book to read individually and use online video lessons to check comprehension and to develop competencies. Make sure the book is available to every student: you can provide a backup copy in an easily readable …

Utilizzare i libri come fonte di ispirazione nei corsi di lingua Leggi altro »

Il club del libro del Piccolo Principe

Methodological steps Present in a lesson (1 learning unit) a general description of the book The Little Prince. The presentation can be provided during a lesson in presence or through a videoconference platform (Meet, Zoom). Explain the group work and the jigsaw structure of it: students are going to be divided into groups of four …

Il club del libro del Piccolo Principe Leggi altro »

La guerra nelle arti

Methodological steps In history or art class, choose a historical period of conflict (for example the 2nd WW) and make a presentation on Flipgrid on how art is created or how a certain topic is represented in two enemy countries (for example: Germany, England). Publish different works of art on the Flipgrid and ask the …

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Logos, ethos e pathos nel dibattito

Methodological steps Introduce the topic in the first two hours of teaching in order to clarify the importance of a good argument and critical thinking in everyday life and in academic courses. Identify different types of argument, show some examples of good and bad arguments and encourage students to do the same. They can present …

Logos, ethos e pathos nel dibattito Leggi altro »

Il ruolo della fotografia oggi

Methodological steps Start this activity with a survey about the role and importance of photography in the everyday life of teenagers. Use Google Forms or other tools (see the “questions” tools page) to create a survey. Briefly discuss survey results. Analyse an art photograph of your choice with your students, focusing on specific art elements. …

Il ruolo della fotografia oggi Leggi altro »

Competenze orali e digitali per la pubblicità

Methodological steps Design an activity about the advertisement of a product. The aim is to make students learn the use of a short, captivating and striking type of communication by choosing the right words and phrases.  Ask them to conceive the proper context for their product, and to place it on a media support that …

Competenze orali e digitali per la pubblicità Leggi altro »

Il teatro romano di Orange

Methodological steps Spend two hours for the first online lesson. Explain in the class language the specificities and differences between the Greek and Roman theatre, through the use of a PowerPoint presentation realised by yourself and referring to the Art History textbook. Please note that to engage students, you can use a more interactive tool …

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Apprendimento cooperativo a distanza per l'educazione civica

Methodological steps Design this activity as a multi-disciplinary activity across the different subjects and involve other teachers in carrying it out. Begin by taking into consideration the material from the civic education textbook. Explain through a PowerPoint presentation what the EU is, what its history was, how it was born and when (for a more …

Apprendimento cooperativo a distanza per l'educazione civica Leggi altro »

Presentazioni cooperative capovolte

Methodological steps Organise the teaching activity on different levels. Use a presentation document that is not too long (12 slides) with extensive use of images, as a home study guide. Depending on your digital and communication competence, you may use either Google Slides (easier to create and to share) or Canva (more complex but also …

Presentazioni cooperative capovolte Leggi altro »