
Logos, ethos e pathos nel dibattito

Methodological steps Introduce the topic in the first two hours of teaching in order to clarify the importance of a good argument and critical thinking in everyday life and in academic courses. Identify different types of argument, show some examples of good and bad arguments and encourage students to do the same. They can present […]

Logos, ethos e pathos nel dibattito Leggi tutto »

Il ruolo della fotografia oggi

Methodological steps Start this activity with a survey about the role and importance of photography in the everyday life of teenagers. Use Google Forms or other tools (see the “questions” tools page) to create a survey. Briefly discuss survey results. Analyse an art photograph of your choice with your students, focusing on specific art elements.

Il ruolo della fotografia oggi Leggi tutto »

Storia virtuale della musica

Methodological steps Prepare your distance learning activities through researching digital tools that may best suit lesson content and fit your teaching attitude/style; record your lessons or shorter clips in order to provide students video resources to study and integrate the synchronous lesson. Pay attention to the fact that in distance learning much less material can

Storia virtuale della musica Leggi tutto »

Presentazioni strutturate per le lezioni di geografia

Methodological steps Meet with your students according to the time schedule of the class using Google Meet. Make sure to post materials on Google Classroom regularly; it is important to establish a routine for posting and giving feedbacks outside school time: this helps you and your students to organise the work and to dedicate the appropriate

Presentazioni strutturate per le lezioni di geografia Leggi tutto »

Storia con strumenti online

Methodological steps Plan your didactic activity in advance. Every week, put activities in the Moodle (or other virtual learning environment) of the school and ask the students to do it by the next week. Then check it and return feedback to the students; for feedback on their works, it’s better to use the same learning

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Lingua straniera attraverso i quiz

Methodological steps Design an activity to teach the future simple to students of the 8th grade. In order to plan and design it at best, do a needs analysis in the form of a questionnaire, ask students to fill it, then prepare online lessons or activities following the results obtained from the questionnaire. This is

Lingua straniera attraverso i quiz Leggi tutto »

Competenze orali e digitali per la pubblicità

Methodological steps Design an activity about the advertisement of a product. The aim is to make students learn the use of a short, captivating and striking type of communication by choosing the right words and phrases.  Ask them to conceive the proper context for their product, and to place it on a media support that

Competenze orali e digitali per la pubblicità Leggi tutto »

Analisi socio-politica sulla parità di genere

Methodological steps Choose a socio-political topic relevant to students, such as gender equality and the serious consequences, in developed and undeveloped countries, of its non-compliance; then ask students to collect information about it. Be sure to specify what you ask the students to search for. For example, ask them to search in which countries women

Analisi socio-politica sulla parità di genere Leggi tutto »

Lavoro di gruppo per il test di matematica

Methodological steps Prepare three different exercises that make up a test and assign them to the class; the exercises have to be solved in groups. The exercises have to require different performances. The first, a standard application of a theory that should be solved by every student; it can be designed as a quiz using

Lavoro di gruppo per il test di matematica Leggi tutto »

Il teatro romano di Orange

Methodological steps Spend two hours for the first online lesson. Explain in the class language the specificities and differences between the Greek and Roman theatre, through the use of a PowerPoint presentation realised by yourself and referring to the Art History textbook. Please note that to engage students, you can use a more interactive tool

Il teatro romano di Orange Leggi tutto »