Methodological steps
- Design an activity that spans across geography and communication. This implies that you can decide which side to focus more on, and whether to support more the knowledge of geographical notions or the development of communication and graphics skills.
- Begin with an analysis of the study resources that you use in an ordinary lesson. You can share with the students the PDF version of the geography textbook and ask them to highlight the structure of the chapter about a particular country or region. The aim is to have them find out which categories make up the description of a geographical entity: location, borders, seas, mountains, rivers, climate, cities, economy, etc. You can do this analysis at the end of the lecture(s) on a State or Region you are illustrating during a video lesson on Webex or Zoom. Make sure to write down the categories on a document shared via a collaborative board like Miro or Padlet or via a learning environment like Moodle or Google Classroom.
- Divide the students into groups and assign the same topic (country or region) to all the groups. Ask them to follow the structure of content you have analysed and shared with them beforehand; ask them also to combine different resources into each chapter: a piece of text, a video, a certain amount of images. Provide the repositories to use: see this page to find useful links (browse these categories: environment, images, learning objects). This helps you to have the same type of content to evaluate. Ask them also to take care of the graphics and the keywords and make up a rubrics to show to students in order to let them know which indicators are going to be evaluated.
Skills assessment
This activity develops both knowledge and skills, the knowledge is specific to geography, but the skills are cross-curricular, especially the communication and digital ones. The assessment relies upon shared rubrics which the teacher can use. Indicators are key because they can shift the focus of the activity from the evaluation of geographical notions to the observation of the lifelong learning competences that are developed by the activity.
This activity offers both synchronous communication (online meetings to build up knowledge and skills) where students and teachers work on the general structure of the presentation, and asynchronous communication (both for individual work and peer-work) when teacher assigns documents and provides specific feedback and when students meet online or in presence outside school time.
- Foreign Languages
- Humanities
Age of students
15 - 16 years old -
2 - 4 weeks -
Learning resources
- Digital texts
- Multimedia presentations
Student homework or project work - Tools