Student homework or project work

Interactive travel guide

Methodological steps Design an activity that spans across geography and communication. This implies that you can decide which side to focus more on, and whether to support more the knowledge of geographical notions or the development of communication and graphics skills. Begin with an analysis of the study resources that you use in an ordinary […]

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Using books for inspiration in language courses

Methodological steps Use digital tools to enrich the experience of learning notions and developing competencies related to reading. Assign a book to read individually and use online video lessons to check comprehension and to develop competencies. Make sure the book is available to every student: you can provide a backup copy in an easily readable

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The Little Prince book club

Methodological steps Present in a lesson (1 learning unit) a general description of the book The Little Prince. The presentation can be provided during a lesson in presence or through a videoconference platform (Meet, Zoom). Explain the group work and the jigsaw structure of it: students are going to be divided into groups of four

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A peaceful Europe

Methodological steps Set up an individual brainstorming activity by asking: “What does the word “peace” mean for you?” Ask the students to fill in a Padlet wall or to answer via or Mentimeter (you can learn more by enrolling in the Module 2 of the MOOC) and make a word cloud out of their answers.

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Virtual history of music

Methodological steps Prepare your distance learning activities through researching digital tools that may best suit lesson content and fit your teaching attitude/style; record your lessons or shorter clips in order to provide students video resources to study and integrate the synchronous lesson. Pay attention to the fact that in distance learning much less material can

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Structured presentations for geography classes

Methodological steps Meet with your students according to the time schedule of the class using Google Meet. Make sure to post materials on Google Classroom regularly; it is important to establish a routine for posting and giving feedbacks outside school time: this helps you and your students to organise the work and to dedicate the appropriate

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History with online tools

Methodological steps Plan your didactic activity in advance. Every week, put activities in the Moodle (or other virtual learning environment) of the school and ask the students to do it by the next week. Then check it and return feedback to the students; for feedback on their works, it’s better to use the same learning

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Interactive videos and real-life stories

Methodological steps Ask students to bring up comparisons between two countries (i.e. Germany and Italy); rely upon Historiana‘s collections of texts and iconographic resources as a source of learning materials (you can find a list of learning objects repositories here).  Choose a video to watch with the students; you might want to re-edit it through

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Blended learning for oral presentations

Methodological steps Set up this activity as a communication workshop for students who need to prepare for their final exam (grade 12th). The activity works best as part of the school’s program for developing transversal competencies and career orienteering (in the Italian school system, PCTO), as a path carried out in collaboration with professionals and

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History through shared docs

Methodological steps Design: assign a research task on Europe in the early Middle Ages, defining the topics of analysis, such as the chronology of major historical events; the change of the landscape, economy and institutions; society and daily life. Give precise instructions for carrying out the activity. The more detailed the instructions are, the lower

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