War in arts

Methodological steps

In history or art class, choose a historical period of conflict (for example the 2nd WW) and make a presentation on Flipgrid on how art is created or how a certain topic is represented in two enemy countries (for example: Germany, England). Publish different works of art on the Flipgrid and ask the students to post their comments on the differences they identify related to your presentation, and then initiate a discussion. Create a Kahoot quiz to evaluate the level of understanding of the students.

Split the class in groups of two students per group and ask them to choose a historical period with a certain war (it may be helpful to prepare a list beforehand).

The students have to choose two opposing countries of this war and research how war is represented and compare it. Show them repositories such as Google Arts & Culture and Wikimedia Commons in order to do this.

Ask them to choose a specific work of art and explain why they believe war is represented in that way.

Ask them to provide their personal opinion, what they think of this work of art, whether it’s artistically good or bad, its reference to the war context, among other particular comments you have explained in your presentation.

Ask them to create a video to present their work; make sure to provide a structure for the content: length (number of slides), images (analogic or symbolic), keywords (concepts you want them to remember), etc. The students might use tools such as Genially, Powtoons, or Animaker in order to create their presentations.

Skills assessment

Use a rubric to assess their presentations, their arguments, the level of coverage of the topic, and the level of their cooperation. Make sure to share with the students beforehand the criteria of assessment, in particular those related to the development of transversal competencies, such as cooperation into a group or others less related to the evaluation of content knowledge. You can also have students assess their peers’ work, in addition to your assessment.


Let students choose their way of communication. It can be their preferred social media channel.