The Roman theatre of Orange

Methodological steps

Spend two hours for the first online lesson. Explain in the class language the specificities and differences between the Greek and Roman theatre, through the use of a PowerPoint presentation realised by yourself and referring to the Art History textbook. Please note that to engage students, you can use a more interactive tool for presentations, such as Prezi. The content of the textbook can also be selected, re-arranged and presented via an online platform such as Padlet, in order to customise it to a more effective teaching style.

Explain the fundamental vocabulary in the second language (in this activity, French) and share a selection of learning resources, mainly links to specific websites, through the virtual classroom (you can find a list of useful learning objects repositories here). Assign tasks of reading documents in French about the structure of the Roman theatre in general and a video on the Theatre of Orange (its history and characteristics).

One hour online lesson with the whole class: explain the Celts, the Gauls and the Romans in France, their history and culture. Together with the students, watch a video and involve them in a dialogue in the second language to verify their understanding of it and to fix the fundamental aspects of the topic through the elaboration of individual notes by the students.

One hour online lesson with the whole class: dialogue in the second language for further revision of the topics and to check the vocabulary.

Skills assessment

The activity helps develop skills for both French and History of art learning goals, such as the use of vocabulary and textual forms for the study and learning of other disciplines; the knowledge of the essential and distinctive elements of French culture and civilization; the understanding and communication of information obtained from written and multimedia documents in French on topics relating to the history of art; the mastery of vocabulary, expressive languages, and historical-cultural knowledge knowing how to share them with others.

Moreover, it develops transversal skills related to the personal, the citizenship and the cultural competencies.


Communication between teacher and students and among students can be performed mostly face to face during the video lessons.