15 – 18 years old

Interactive videos and real-life stories

Methodological steps Ask students to bring up comparisons between two countries (i.e. Germany and Italy); rely upon Historiana‘s collections of texts and iconographic resources as a source of learning materials (you can find a list of learning objects repositories here).  Choose a video to watch with the students; you might want to re-edit it through […]

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Research and design

Methodological steps Organise the teaching activity as an individual search, by students, of innovative materials for clothing aimed at participating in a national competition. Request as delivery the design of the garment most suited to the material used. Then ask the students for an in-depth study of the nature of the new materials studied and

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History through shared docs

Methodological steps Design: assign a research task on Europe in the early Middle Ages, defining the topics of analysis, such as the chronology of major historical events; the change of the landscape, economy and institutions; society and daily life. Give precise instructions for carrying out the activity. The more detailed the instructions are, the lower

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