Materie scientifiche

Simulazioni di circuiti elettrici (ECS)

Methodological steps Start a warm-up discussion about how the light in your room works (5-10 minutes). Share a presentation about how the electrons move around the circuit; make sure to create it by using multiple learning resources: videos, simulations, pictures, and digital text (15 minutes). Hold a short presentation of how PhET simulations work by …

Simulazioni di circuiti elettrici (ECS) Leggi altro »

Atomi e molecole

Methodological steps Create the teaching/learning unit in your virtual learning environment (e.g. Google Classroom) on the history of the atom theory. Start with some icebreaker activities, like watching a short video, to attract the attention of the students and to motivate learners towards the specific topic; the aim is to make them curious about it, …

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Lavoro di gruppo per il test di matematica

Methodological steps Prepare three different exercises that make up a test and assign them to the class; the exercises have to be solved in groups. The exercises have to require different performances. The first, a standard application of a theory that should be solved by every student; it can be designed as a quiz using …

Lavoro di gruppo per il test di matematica Leggi altro »

Apprendimento cooperativo a distanza per l'educazione civica

Methodological steps Design this activity as a multi-disciplinary activity across the different subjects and involve other teachers in carrying it out. Begin by taking into consideration the material from the civic education textbook. Explain through a PowerPoint presentation what the EU is, what its history was, how it was born and when (for a more …

Apprendimento cooperativo a distanza per l'educazione civica Leggi altro »

Presentazioni cooperative capovolte

Methodological steps Organise the teaching activity on different levels. Use a presentation document that is not too long (12 slides) with extensive use of images, as a home study guide. Depending on your digital and communication competence, you may use either Google Slides (easier to create and to share) or Canva (more complex but also …

Presentazioni cooperative capovolte Leggi altro »

Ricerca e design

Methodological steps Organise the teaching activity as an individual search, by students, of innovative materials for clothing aimed at participating in a national competition. Request as delivery the design of the garment most suited to the material used. Then ask the students for an in-depth study of the nature of the new materials studied and …

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